Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 2

On to Day 2!!!  

Today was the day that we had a whoooooole bunch of fun!!! First we went to Ripleys Wonder Works which was absolutely fantastic I would highly recommend it!!! Of course it is this huge upside down house!! Absolutely beautiful!!
Momma and IzzaBelly!!!

When you first walk in it is like a spinning vortex because your walking and hanging onto the rails because it seriously is making you sick and there are neon lights!! And of course my family thinking they have to out shine everyone is wearing either white shirts or me wearing a bright coral shirt that glows in the pitch black!!! It was pretty cool though!!

So as you continue to walk you come to a rock climbing wall!! Well Robbie Dad and Uncle decided they needed to race up the wall and obviously it was a serious competition! I think there might have been bets involved! Needless to say it was a close call between dad and Uncle but unfortunately dad won :/ sorry uncle!! I was rooting for ya!!! :) if I could figure out how to put videos on I would!! But I don't know how so maybe another day!!:)

So then There was a 360 bike that you peddled real fast and it spun you up and around this pole thing and it was fast let me tell you!! I don't think I ever heard dad scream so loud in my life!! Or maybe it was me doing all the screaming?? Haha when we got done the lady said "I didn't know if you were crying or smiling!!" Talking to me!!  It was a blast though!!! We had fun!!!

There was a Space Man suit that you could crawl up in and take a picture so of course the kids wanted their picture taken!!!

Abby in the Suit!!
Braxton in the Suit!!

I know this is random but I feel as though I don't thank my parents or even my family enough for what they do for me...their are kids in this world who haven't even been out of arkansas let alone driving a few states over just to go to Gatlinburg Tennessee....I am very fortunate to have such wonderful parents who love for their kids to have such great experiences such as this trip!!! It has been great and it isn't even The end of Day 2!!:)

So back to the fun filled day!!! After all that there was a Ropes course wayyyy up in the ceiling!!! It was totally awesome but sooo SKETCHY!!! It was all these obstacles and all your hooked up to is a harness....😳😳 so your up going through all these tight rope walks and stuff and it was so sketchy!! 

After that we went an ate at Hard Rock Cafe!! It was a lot of fun!!! 
Uncle with Robbie...Braxton...Abby...and Ryan Glen!!:)
Uncles Schmidt Family!!!:)

After all that Wonderful fun at Wonder works!!! We went to the Alpine Roller Coaster!! Which is this roller coaster in the woods that is an individual little cart that you control the speed on!! It was absolutely the most fun I've had!!! 

All of us that rode it!!

FINALLY we are to my favorite part of the entire day!!!! The Aquarium!!!!! I absolutely loved it!!! There were fish and Sharks and Sting Rays and Sea Horses!!! I LOVED IT!!! I held a Horseshoe Crab!! Touched a Jelly Fish!!!  A whole bunch of stuff!!! 

I have finally realized that being a veterinarian at a place like that or a Marine Biologist is exactly what I need to do!! Like I was fascinated at the little things like the Garden eels they are absolutely beautiful but so small!!!! The small things are the most beautiful but then I would look at a 7 foot shark right beside me and think what it took for God to make such a beautiful majestic creature...he thought so long and hard about the complexity of the animal!! It's absolutely gorgeous!!! Then I see the Leafy Sea Dragon and it's big but not a giant!!! Looks like a Leaf!! It is amazing!!!

The quote below is absolutely inspirational!! 
"The Sea is a vast Reservoir of nature. It was through the sea that the Earth,so to speak, began.."
-Jules Verne as spoken by Captain Nemo

The aquarium was an absolute blast!!! 

The Boys!!! Ughhhhhhh????
Robbie isn't to impressed with the iguana....
A baby Starfish on the glass!! Robbie's finger to compare how small it is!!:)
Leafy Sea Dragon!!!! ☺️☺️
Robbie kissing a barracuda!! :)
Saw Shark is what we called it!! Hahaha
Loggerhead Sea Turtle!! I was ecstatic!! 
Sting Ray!! :)

Another great shot of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle! She sure was a beauty!!
Selfie Time!! Dad and I!! :)
Me showing everyone up by being the brave one to pick and hold up a Horseshoe Crab!! :)
We found Scuba Steve!!!!!!
Beautiful LionFish!!! :)
Jelly Fish!!!!! Love them!!!
Dad and Uncle decided to get in the tube that you can look at the penguins in!! Haha
Robbie and Izzy in the Tube!

Of course there was a Gift Shop at the Aquarium and I got a couple shirts and the boys decided to get some sunglasses!!! Hahaha

To end the night a wonderful note we decided to go to Bubba Gumps to eat dinner! For y'all that don't know what the same heck Bubba Gumps is it a restaraunt off the movie Forest Gump!! DUH!!! It is really good! Our waiters name was George and he was a blast to have!! We had our own little room and it had it's own music controls and so we had it full blast on a song and George walked by and he was dancing!! It was funny!!! :) soo much fun!! 

Today was a lot of fun! It was very tiring but I wouldn't change any of it for anything! I don't think any of my family would!! It was a BLAST!!! Tomorrow shall be a suprise on what the Schmidt Family can come up with!!! :)

Goodnight Everyone!!!

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